Madhuribai Deshmukh Institute of Nursing Education

LataMangeshkarHospital, Digdoh Hills, Hingna Road, Nagpur-440019

Ph.No. – 07104-665048, 49.  Fax No. – 07104-665011

Email – vspmcon2005@yahoo.com, Website : vspmmdine.org

“All the Members of IQAC are hereby inform ed to attend the IQAC I “” meeting on 21.01.2019 and are” requested to be present i n the meeting.
Time -2 to 4 pm
Venue -Conference Hall
• Formation of an Internal Qual ity Assurance Com mi ttee at college level.
“• Formation of aims, Objectives and Pol icies of IQAC”
• Plan for 2nd meeting of IQAC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

                                                                             MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING

As a part of Quality Improvement a core team meeting at college level was held on
21 .01.2019 at the conference hall of YSPM M OIN E Nagpu r at 2 pm .
-Formation of an I nternal Quality Assurance Com mittee at college level.
-Formation of aims, Objectives and Policies of IQAC”
-Plan for 2nd meeting of IQAC
IQAC member’s attendance

Sr. No.NamePrincipal
1Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
2Mrs. Susanne MathewVice Principal
3Mrs. Lata SukareProfessor
4Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
5Ms .Pascaline DavidAssociate Professor
6Mrs. Amrapal i GajbhiyeAssociate Professor
7Mrs. Siddeshwari BarbatkarLecturer
8Mrs. Bincy K.PLecturer
9Ms. Stuti SunarLecturer
10Ms. Varsha HambardeLecturer
11Mr. Deepak SableProject Coord inator
12Ms. Rutuja PawarM.Sc Ng. 1st  yr Student
13Ms. Aleen BorkarP.B.B.Sc Ng. 1 st yr student
14Ms. Anjali DonadeB.Sc Ng. 3rd vr Student

1. Formation  of IQAC at college level
Core team of the col lege decided to form an efficient IQAC at the college level as a part of

quality i mprovement procedures.
As per the decisions of the team the followi ng person were selected as committee members.
Al l mem bers agreed to take up the new responsi bi l ities.

2. Formulation of Aims Objectives, Policies and Function of IQAC”

Aims of lQAC
i. To develop a system of conscious and consistent action to improve the academic and
administrative performance of institution.
ii. To establ ish qual i ty assurance through i nternali zation of qual ity culture and best

i. To promote research and scientific pu blications by the faculty.
ii. To motivate faculty for contin uing education by attending conference, workshops, short”
        term courses.
iii. To depute faculty to attend short term courses appropriate to their professional
       knowled ge, sk ill development.”
iv. To promote and assist in acquiring h igher education of faculty.”        

i. The composition of IQAC depends on the size and complexity of the institution.
i i. The mem bershi p of mem bers wi ll be for a period of two years.
iii. IQAC should meet at least once i n every quarter.
iv. IQAC members should shoulder the responsi bili ties and devote time fo worki ng out the
       procedural details.

Functions of IQAC

i. Documentation of the various program mes I activities undertaken by the i nsti tute for
    1 qual ity improvement.
“ii. To collect feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on curriculums offered, teaching, examination and other                     quality related institutional processes and analyze them”
iii. To suggest measurements to improve the quaI ity of education imparted to the students.
iv.To collect self Appraisal Reports from teachi ng faculty, analyze them and suggest measures/actions to be taken to improve the quality of education.”

3. Plan for 2nd meeting of IQAC
IQAC Chairperson and Or. Asha Shim gekar Madam annou nced to prepare an action plan
“for Exam ination , Workshop, CN E, Internal Assessment which has to be presented i n the next IQAC meeting to be held on Apri l 3rd week.”
Team member accepted the same IQAC Chairperson Or. Asha Shimgekar Madam and
asked the com mittee regard ing any other matters to be discussed.  

The meeting adjourned at 4 pm. 


All the Members of IQAC are hereby inform ed to attend the IQAC meeting on 22.04.2019 and are requested to be present i n the meetin g.
Time -2 to 4 pm
Venue -Conference Hall
• Formation of an Internal Qual ity Assurance Com mi ttee at college level.
• Formation of aims, Objectives and Pol icies of IQAC”
• Plan for 2nd meeting of IQAC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                      MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING

IQAC Meeting was held on 22.04.201 9 at the Conference hall, VSPM MDINE from 2pm.”

–  Minutes of previous meeti ng
– Discussion of Action Plan
– Plan for 3rd Meeting

-Any other issues

IQAC mem ber’s attendance

Sr. No.NamePrincipal
1Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
2Mrs. Susanne MathewVice Principal
3Mrs. Lata SukareProfessor
4Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
5Ms .Pascaline DavidAssociate Professor
6Mrs. Amrapal i GajbhiyeAssociate Professor
7Mrs. Siddeshwari BarbatkarLecturer
8Mrs. Bincy K.PLecturer
9Ms. Stuti SunarLecturer
10Ms. Varsha HambardeLecturer
11Mr. Deepak SableProject Coord inator
12Ms. Rutuja PawarM.Sc Ng. 1st year Student
13Ms. Aleen BorkarP.B.B.Sc Ng. 1st yr student
14Ms. Aniali DonadeB.Sc Ng. 3rd vr Student

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
– I Minutes of Previous Meeting read.
– The committee accepted the Minutes
2. Discussion of Action plan
As per the order an action plan was prepared and was discussed. CNE done by M.Sc Nsg. Students
– Work schedule preparat ion and aud iting of I n terna l Assessment done by Susanne madam
: also aud i t of CN E was done by feedback form given by students and teachers.
3. Plan for 3rd meeting
“Next meeting of IQAC is planned for 2″”d week of July 2019.”
Committee members accepted the same.
4. Any other issues.
Committee accepted the same and pri nci pal asked about any other issuers to be addressed the meeting  adjourned at 4 pm.



All the Members of IQAC are hereby informed to attend the JQAC meeting on 20.08.2019 and are
reques ed to be present in the meeti ng.
Time – 12 pm
Venue – Conference Hall
•  Minutes of Previous meeting
• Planning of Internal Assessment


                                                                                  MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING

The IQAC meeti ng was held on 20• A ugust at 12 noon i n conference hall, VSPM MDINE,”
The following members were present –

Sr. No.NamePrincipal
1Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
2Mrs. Susanne MathewVice Principal
3Mrs. Lata SukareProfessor
4Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
5Ms .Pascaline DavidAssociate Professor
6Mrs. Amrapali GajbhiyeAssociate Professor
7Mrs.Bincy K.PLecturer
8Ms. Stuti SunarLecturer

A) Minutes of precious meeting
B) Planning of Internal Assessment


All the Members of IQAC are hereby informed to attend the JQAC meeting on 03.12.2019 and are reques ed to be present in the meeting.
Time – 11 am
Venue – Conference Hall


                                                                                                       MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING The IQAC meeti ng was held on 20• A ugust at 12 noon i n conference hall, VSPM MDINE,” Nagpur The following members were present –
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Asha Shimgekar Principal
2 Mrs. Susanne Mathew Vice Principal
3 Mrs. Lata Sukare Professor
4 Mrs. Hemlata Salve Associate Professor
5 Ms .Pascaline David Associate Professor
6 Mrs. Amrapali Gajbhiye Associate Professor
7 Mrs.Bincy K.P Lecturer
8 Ms. Stuti Sunar Lecturer
Action taken Report- 1 . Dr. Pravi n from physiotherapy NKPSIMS conducted a short meet ing for imparting “knowledge and guidance on Im pact Assessment the physiotherapy department has gone th rough this i nspection, so we requested him to give the guidance.” 2. Instructions were given for prepari ng chapters of Im pact assessment as well as NAAC. 3. Quarterly attendance of each year/Cou rse was asked to prepare and submit.


All the Members of IQAC are hereby informed to attend the IQAC meeting on 11.03.2020 and are reques ed to be present in the meeting.
Time – 10 am
Venue – Conference Hall


• Minutes of Previous Meeting
• Discussion of action plan
• Planning to conduct Zoom Meeting

•Planning to teach faculty how to conduct online classes.



All the Members of IQAC are hereby informed to attend the IQAC meeting on 09.07.2020 and are reques ed to be present in the meeting.
Time – 10 am
Venue – Conference Hall


• Minutes of Previous Meeting
• Discussion of action plan
• Planning to conduct Zoom Meeting




                                                                       MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING

“IQAC meeting was held on 09/07/2020 at conference hall

Fallowing teachers were present-

Sr. No.NamePrincipal
1Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
2Mrs.Lata SukareProfessor
3Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
4Mrs. Amrapali GajbhiyeAssociate Professor
5Mrs. Bincy K.PLecturer
6Ms. Stuti SunarLecturer
7Ms. Varsha HambareLecturer
8Mr. Prashobh KumarCI/Tutor
9Ms.Trupti AuthankarCI/Tutor


1 . Minutes of previous meeting.
2.  Discussion of action plan
3.  Planning to cond uct zoom classes for students.
4. Planning to create whats app group for every teachers.
5. Planning to promote the separate email ID for every subject.

Suggestions and action taken report
1)Review of previous meeting
2) Discussion of action plan taken in previous meeting.
3) It was proposed to create whats app group for every teacher.
4) It was proposed to conduct online zoom classes due to COVI D – 19.
5) It was proposed to formulate the separate email ID for every subj ect.


A Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College is held on Jan 23rd, 2021 at”10 am inthe Conference Hall. All members are requested to be present in the meeting.
• Restructuring ofIQAC committee from Jan, 2021″
• Development ofIQAC strategies
• Review of aims and objectives of IQAC
• Formation of beliefs of IQAC
• Planning for quality enhancement for FDP for Feb/2021.


                                                                         MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING
Minutes of IQAC meeting held on Jan 23rd , 2021.”
Venue: Conference Hall
• IQAC Action Plan for the year 2021-22
“- Restructurin g ofIQAC committee from Jan, 2021”
– Development ofIQAC strategies
– Review of aims and objectives ofIQAC
– Formation of beliefs ofIQAC
– Planning for quality enhancement for FDP for Feb/2021.
IQAC member’s attendance
Time: 10 am

Sr. NO.Name Designation
1.Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
 2.Mrs. Lata Sukare Professor
3.Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
4.Ms. Pascaline DavidAssociate Professor
5.Dr. Amrapali GajbhiyeAssociate Professor
6.Mrs. Siddeshwar BarbatkarLecturer
7.Ms.Bincy K.PLecturer


1. Restructured the IQAC committee as per the composition given by the NAAC.
2. Reviewed about the aims and objectives of the IQAC according to the guidelines given by the NAAC.
To develop a system for conscious and consistent action to improve_ the academic and administrative perfonnance of the institution.
To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through
internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
To promote research and scientific publications by the faculty.
“To motivate faculty for continuing education by attending conference, workshops and short term courses.”
To depute faculty to attend short term courses appropriate to their professional knowledge and skill development.
To promote and assist in acquiring higher education of the faculty.
3. Discussed about development ofIQAC strategies.
“To plan, guide and monitor Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the colleges to understand the qualitative and quantitative matrix of NAAC process.”
“To ensure timely, efficient and progressive perfonnance of academic and administrative tasks through excellence in nursing education, practice, research, administration and innovation of high value systems for quality nursing care.”
To enhance relevant and quality academic/research programmes through Mentor- mentee meetings and Research development committee.
To provide equitable access and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of the society through the extension of community outreach activities.
To optimize and integrate modern methods of teaching and learning by making the teaching learning process more student-centric and teacher-ward tutorial system to enable
the high achievers to reach excellence and the slow learners to minimum qualifying level.
To promote credibility of assessment and evaluation process through online students
feedback on the overall performance of the college.
“To ensure the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services through collection and analysis of outgoing student’s outgoing feedback on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation process, infra-structure, learning resources and basic facilities.”
“To disseminate the research findings and networking with other institutions in India through research publications by UG, PG students as well as teachers in various national and international indexed journals.”
4. Discussed about the formation of the beliefs ofIQAC.
“Consistency is what transforms average into Excellence.”
5. Discussed about action taken in previous meeting.
6. Planning done for quality enhancement for FDP for Feb/2021.


“A Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College is held on 24th May, 2021 at” 11 am in the Conference Hall. All members are requested to be present in the meeting.
• Minutes of previous meeting
• Discussion of action plan
• Discussion related to quality enhancement for FDP
• Mentoring system of students

                                                                                              MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING
“Minutes of IQAC meeting held on 24th May, 2021.”
Venue: Conference Hall.
Time: 11 am
1. Minutes of previous meeting
2. Discussion of action plan
3. Discussion related to quality enhancement for FDP
4. Mentoring system of students
IQAC member’s attendance

Sr. NO.Name Designation
1.Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
 2.Mrs. Lata Sukare Professor
3.Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
4.Dr. Amrapali GajbhiyeAssociate Pi ol’essor
5.Ms. Stuti SunarLecture
6.Mr. Bincy K.PLecturer
7.Ms. Varsha HambardeLecturer
8.Mr. Prashobh M.KCI / Tutor
9.Ms. Trupti AuthankarCl / Tutor

1. Minutes of previous meeting reviewed.
2. Discussed about action taken in previous meeting.
3. Discussed about pervious quality enhancement for faculty development programme’s and also find out strength and weaknesses of the programme. The IQAC Coordinator also motivated and encouraged faculty members to join/avail FDP by attending workshops and conferences organized by different universities.
4. The IQAC Coordinator informed that from the meeting with Heads of different departments, she came to know that many students of our college are benefitted through personal counseling of the faculty members. Mentoring system not only controlled dropout rate but also heJped to improve regular class attendance of students & examinations results. After personal counseling, more students actively participated in classroom & Co-curricular activities. Mentoring system is also counted as a best practice in the college.

DATE: 21.09.21


A Meeting or’the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College is held on Dec 6t‘, 2021 at 2pm

in the Commiinity dept. All members IQAC are requested to be present in the meeting.


Minutes of previous meeting

  • Discussion of action plan
  • Planning for preparation of Academic Calendar
  • Discussion regarding the points of criteria 2,4 and 5 

                                                    MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING

Minutes of IQAC meeting held on Dec 6“, 2021.

Venue: Community dept.


Minutes of previous meeting

  • Discussion of action plan
  • Planning for preparation of Academic Calendar
  • Discussion regarding the copyrights for all the
  • Planning for quality initiative programme iegarding completion of


iQAC member’s attendance

Sr. No.NameDesignationSignature
1.Dr. Asha SliimgekarPrincipal  
 2.Mrs. Lata SukareProfessor 
3.Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor 
4.Dr. Ainrapali GajbhiyeAssociate Pi’ofessor  
5,Ms. Stuti SiinarLecturer  
Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. Asha ShimgekarPrincipal
2Mrs. Susanne MathewVice Principal
3Mrs. Lata SukareProfessor
4Mrs. Hemlata SalveAssociate Professor
5Ms .Pascaline DavidAssociate Professor
6Mrs. Amrapali GajbhiyeAssociate Professor
7Mrs.Bincy K.PLecturer
8Ms. Stuti SunarLecturer



  1. Minutes of previous meeting
  1. Discussed about action taken in previous

3. The IQAC coordinator i’equested the coordinator to prepare the Academic Calendar with consultation with the Head of dept. of different dept. and subject teachers and submit the draft copy to the coordinators.

  1. Discussion done regarding copyrights for all the The IQAC coordinator told that it is compulsory for every teacher to do at least two copyrights.
  2. The IQAC coordinatof told all the criteria in-charges about the visit of resource persons from Hinduja College of nursing, Mumbai who will guide and clear doubts regarding completion of qualitative and quantitative initiative programme for She also instructed all the criteria in-charges to prepare the ppt of work done of their criteria.


This is to inform you that there will be a meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) related to NAAC. All the criteria in-charges are requested to be present in the meeting.

Date: 12/03/2022 Time: 2 pm

Venue: Conference hall


–    Discussion related to completion of SSR and DVV clarification.


The IQAC meeting was held on March 12″‘, 2022.

Venue: Conference 14 all.

 Time: 2 pm


–             Discussion refuted to completion of’ SSR and DVV clarification (Data validation and verification),

Sr. No.NameDesignationSignature
1.Dr. Asha ShimgekarProfessor cum. principal 
2.Mrs. Hemlata SalveProfessor cum vice principal 
3.Mrs. Lata SukareProfessor 
4.Dr. A mrapali Gaj bhiyeAssociate Professor 
5.Ms. Pascaline DavidAssociate Professor 
6.Ms. Siddeshwari BarbatkarLecturer 
7. Ms. Stuti SunarLecturer 
8.Ms. Bincy K. PLecturer
9.Ms. Ashlesha WasnikLecturer 
10.Mr. Prasobh KumarC.I/Tutor 
11.Mrs. $uman AzadCI/Tutor 



The meeting comnicnced at 2 pm with the set agenda of the day.The Coordinator, IQAC welcomed the gathering. The Secretary read out the minutes of previous meeting and action report.

  1. 4“hc Cooi dinator, IQ.4C discussed criteria-wise progrcss with thcir respective criteria in- charges and instructed at I the criteria in-charges for the completion of the SSR.
  2. The Coordinator, IQAC instructed to keep proof of all the dociirnents uploaded on lhe

college website and take Geo-tagged photos of’ every programme conducted in the college.

  1. The Coordinator,lQA C discusscd about the documents which needs to be uploaded in Criteria-l I and C riteria-V
  2. A II the criteria in-charges have also cleared out doiibts related to their
  3. At last, the Coordinator, UAC motivated tti keep institution’s website
  4. “the meeting adjourned at 4 The coordinator thanked all the members for their qualitative suggestions.


This is to inform you that there will be a meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) related to NAAC visit.All teachers are requested to be present in the meeting.

Date: 26/07/2022 Time: 2-4 pm

Venue: Conference hall


–    Discussion related to Peer Team Visit.

                                                                                     MINUTES OF IQAC MEETING

The IQAC meeting was held on July26th, 2022.

Venue: Conference Hail.


–     Discussion about Peer Team Visit


Time: 2 pm

Sr. No.





Dr. Asha Shimgekar

Nursing Director



Dr. A mrapaii Gaj bhiye

Professor cum principal



Mrs. Hemlata Salve

Professor cum vice-principal



Mrs. f,ata Sukare




Ms. Pascaline David

Associate Professor



Mrs. Anagha Kherkar

Associate Professor



Ms. Siddeshwari Barbatkar




Ms. Stuti Sunat




Ms. Bincy K.P




Ms. Sarika Bais




Ms. Varsha Hambarde


Sr. Np.NameDesignationSignature
12.Ms. Ashlesha WasnikLecturer 
13.Mrs. Suman AzadLecturer 
14.Ms. Rachana YesankarLecturer 
15.Mr. Pra5obh KumarC.I/Tutor 
16.Ms. Liji VargheseC.I/Tutor  
17.Mrs. Gloriya KarandikarC.l/Tutor  
18.Ms. Pheba ThomasC.I/Tutor 
19.Ms. Sneha 8etwarC.I/Tutor 
20.Ms. Deepa LonkarC.I/Tutor 
21.Ms. Priyal WaghchoureC.I/Tutor 
22.Ms. Rani MohiteC.I/Tutor 
23.Ms. Guleksha PatleC. I/Tutor 
24.Ms. AshwiniWahaneC.I/Tutor 
25.Ms. Gauri PadghanC. I/TUtOF 
26.Ms. Pallavi JambhulkarC.I/Tutor 
27.Ms. Trupti SoitkarC. I/Tutor 
28.Ms. Radha MandlaC.I/Tutor 
29.Ms. Trusha LambatC.I/Tutor 
30.Ms. Namrata PerkawarC. I/Tutor 
31.Ms Salomi ThakreC.I/Tutor 
32.Ms. Savitri SharmaC.I/Tutor 
33.Mr. Ujjwal LoheC.I/Tutor 
34.Ms. Samantha Janbandh uC.I/Tutor



  1. The meeting staHedat 2 pm with the set agenda of the day.The Coordinator, lQAC welcomed the The Secretary read out the minutes of last meeting and action report.
  1. Preparation ofPeer Team Visit:

The Cooi dinatoi , IQAC has given three tentative dates ftir the visit.

  • Ist date: 23″& 24″’ Aug/2022
  • 2″ date: S”‘& 9″‘ Sept/2022
  • 3″ date: 1 “‘& 22″’ Sept/2022
    1. The Coordinator, IQAC emphasized main ly on five things which is to be kept ready for the visit. These are as follows:

 I. Infrastructure: It’s thc rcsponsihility of all the HOU* set vai’ious dept. to look

after their icspective labs, its Cleanliness, nutice board and all rclated tiles etc.

II. Departmental Activities: All the HOD’s were instructed to update all the documentsof their like departmental meeting register, dept. activity file, record of subject teachers and their subject hours distribution, tcacher’s cnrol dcd in the exams, Paper presentation, critcria for UCD & PG evaluation etc.

III. PPT Presentation: Every ci iteria Incharge has to make ppt or‘ their ci iteria which should be clear, self-explanatory. Time limit for presentation is 10- IS rn ins. “l ake at least live hai’d copies of each ppt.

Iv. Documentation: Make index of every filc. Keep proof of all the matrix of the SSR (Both Quantitative and Qualitative). Update all the documents on the college websitc regulars All class i egister should be kept i eady

V. Innovative Teaching Method:   Keep academic records of last five years such as course plan, unit plan, lesson plan. Add more innovative teaching and learning methods to make the classroom teaching effective and also mention these methods in their respective records.Update records of the remedial classes taken for the slow learners.

  1. All the members actively contributed their suggestions tor the agenda discussed. The meeting adjourned at 4 pm. The Coordinator, IQAC thanked at i the members for their time and suggestions.