Students Success
Rohit Ramesh Pandit
First of all I want to say thank you for giving me this opportunity for sharing experience. I am Rohit Ramesh Pandit, batch 2016, completed my graduation from VSPM MDINE Nagpur. I have done Covid duty in Government Medical Hospital, Nagpur in pandemic situation. There is always first time and the first time is always special for me. For me this experience was life changing, and I hope this type of situation never and ever come again.
While working as a front-line, life saving worker, first time in my life I realized pain of isolation from loving ones. I witnessed this. Feeling of unity among students-nursing staff-doctors and even in low class workers has been seen while working there. We all are doing our work quietly but our faces was telling that we will all together in this fight, we will definitely win.
Some patients immunity was low so they gone, but some who fought for virus for days and weeks and defeated Covid 19 it raised our spirits and hopes.
I believe that if similar situation comes in future also, we will fight it together.
I m Meesam Raza.I have worked as a nurse in this global pandemic of Covid – 19.
It is a great experience working in Covid health facility.
Before entering the Covid ward, we wear PPE kits as it is a highly contagious disease. Covid is an infective disease. I was in contact with these patients for weeks. It is very difficult to even communicate with the patients & other health professionals wearing those masks & face- shields.
I feel I m very lucky working as a corona warrior during this pandemic.
I m privileged & thankful to God for the opportunity to serve the people in this pandemic situation.I am very happy that as a nurse, our contribution is being acknowledged more than ever before….
Muskan. R. Khairayya
I am working as staff nurse at Alexis multispecialty hospital. I really feel so proud to be the warrior of this covid-19 it was like being backbone for others usually all where having fear of getting affected of this condition and we were working for them. By working in this pandemic condition I am really feeling strong and confident. I think my growth curve has increased. And it was really a new experience and a good one too I think I can’t explain my experience through words. Last but not the least it was a great experience and I really get to know new many more thing
Ms. Vallari Valde
There is always a first time and the first time is always special. The outbreak of novel Corona virus has provided many ‘firsts’ the opportunity to serve and share their experience of working as a Covid warrior and battling the pandemic from Frontline.
This pandemic is a life time experience and I pray that this situation never comes again. While working on the Frontline, I witnessed the pain of families unable to meet their patients. Even after discharge from the hospital, patients have to continue to be in isolation. This whole experience thought me to value life despite all the problems and cherishes and appreciates whatever we have in our life.
Ms. Damini Lokhande
We did the Covid duty in IGGMC Nagpur in the month of October 2020. This pandemic has been trying for us all but for some more than others I am thankful and glad that I got the opportunity to serve the people in pandemic situation. It was very difficult to stay in PPE kit for long hours of time. We used to get dehydrated in PPEs but we were afraid to remove our mask and have some water. But. .. It was very helpful and great time which we experienced during those 20 – 25 days. Those difficult times taught us positive things.
Ms. Manmeet Kaur Babra
It takes me a great privilege to share my experience during these Covid pandemics. As I am an OT specialist nurse (Liver transplant & Neuro – spine trauma) , it is really delighted to be a part of a medical team. Over the last few months we have all been inundated with what is happening all around the world. Seeing so many people getting infected was an terrifying situation for all of us. But, having each other and sharing knowledge helped us a lot. Whenever we receive a call for emergency, the whole team gathers together to save a single life which makes me & my team feels so proud. Moreover, people’s trust on us made us feel even stronger to deal during this time. I personally had a wonderful experience working during these covid pandemics. Got to learn something new which enhanced me to reach out even more. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, the doctors, nurses, researchers and service people are on the forefront of this battle, while most of others in self-isolation do not have it easy either.
Last but not the least finally thanks to my mummy she is always be a big mentor in my life as well as the entire V.S.P.M’s college of Nursing who has given lightening in my life. Hope everyone stays safe & be connected.
Thank you.
Ms. Pooja Shriwas
I consider myself lucky that I got an opportunity to work in Covid 19 pandemic, I got a chance to provide care to those needy people…who r suffering from Covid…
Its not easy to wear PPE for 6-8 hours while providing care but as it is a protective equipment we have to wear….we learn many thing while working in Covid wards…i had seen those people who r struggling for there life…but many of them are recovering now….
Experience of B.B.Sc Final Yr & M.Sc Nsg 1st Yr at GMC, Nagpur
& P.B.B.Sc 1st year at AIIMS hospital, Nagpur for 2 months COVID Duty)
There is always a first time and the first time is always special. The outbreak of novel Corona virus has provided many ‘firsts’ the opportunity to serve and share their experience of working as a Covid warrior and battling the pandemic from Frontline.
This pandemic is a life time experience and we pray that this situation never comes again. While working on the Frontline, we witnessed the pain of families unable to meet their patients. Even after discharge from the hospital, patients have to continue to be in isolation. This whole experience taught us to value life despite all the problems and cherishes and appreciates whatever we have in our life.

Ms. Stuti Sunar, Lecturer VSPM MDINE, has been invited as Guest Lecture at Zade Nursing College, Chandrapur.
Topic – Management of Covid – 19