Faculty & Staff

Ms. Trupti Soitkar
B.Sc (Nursing)
- B.Sc (Nursing) from Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College Of Nursing, Sawangi (Meghe), Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (Nashik) in 2012 with & 74%.
- Registered as a ‘Nurse’ and ‘Midwifery’ from Maharashtra Nursing Council Mumbai.
Teaching Experience:
- Total Experience is 8 years and 4 months
- Registered as a ‘Nurse’ and ‘Midwifery’ from Maharashtra Nursing Council Mumbai.
- Working as “Clinical Instructor/Nursing Tutor” in VSPM Madhuribai Deshmukh Institute of Nursing Education, VSPM, Lata Mangeshkar Campus, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur, Oct 2016 to Till Date.
- 2.Worked as “Clinical Instructor/ Nursing Tutor” in Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College Of Nursing, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DMIMS) Deemed University, Sawangi (Meghe) from Sep 2012 to Oct’ 2016. (4Yrs).
Award & Certificate:
- Prize winner in panel discussion on ‘Impact of social change on Nursing Education’ in the XIV Bi-ennial State SNA conference 2011, held in Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College Of Nursing, Sawangi (Meghe).
- Functioned as the Outreach activity co-Incharge & CCHCP (Comprehensive care health Community Program) co-inchargeship of Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College Of Nursing (SRMMCON)
- Organized various Health awareness program in Urban & Rural communities.
- Organized various School Health Programs & Health camps
- Guest Speech done, about ‘Female Adolescent Health’ at Kesarimal Girls High School, Wardha.
- Awarded as a Delegate at the International Conference on ‘Evidence Based Practices in Nursing’ By SRMMCON, Dept. of Health Sciences, Karlstad University, Sweden.
- Participated in the Interdisciplinary CME on ‘Occupational Health Hazards in Health Care Industry’ as a Organizing committee member.
- Participated in the Regional CNE on ‘Nurse: A force for change A vital resource for Health’ As a Organizing committee member.
- Participated in CNE on ‘Promotion of Adolescent Health’ as organizing committee member.
- Participating as Organizing Committee Member at the National level Principal’s meet 2015 Theme: Nursing Education 2025- Challenges & Reforms
- Certificate of poster presentation in Advance Course In Health Profession Education, organized by Education Units, Nodel Center for national Faculty (Recognized by MCI) & SHPER DMIMS (DU).
- Certificate of Completion of Advance Course In Health Profession Education, organized by Education Units, Nodel Center for national Faculty (Recognized by MCI) & SHPER DMIMS (DU)
- Lead investigator in research study of ‘Growth & Development of Children’ & co-investigator in research study of ‘ADHD’ in SRMMCON.
- Certificate of completed a two-week intensive training course on ‘Assessment of early childhood Development’ supported by Grand Challenges Canada.
- Organized the Training program of AWW (Aganwadi Worker’s) & FRO (field Research officer) on Enhanced Anganwadi Curriculum & Positive Parenting, Working as a Resource Person.
- Participated in 3 days Training of Trainers on Individualized Agency Centered Training, Conducted by Stepping Stone Project, Supported By Grand Challenges, Canada Conducted by Mrs. Tejaswi Sevekari, Director SAHELI, Pune.
- Participated in Bayley’s Training at St. John Medical College, Banglore.
- Completion of 2 months certification course on Leading Tomorrow-nuturing tomorrows academic leaders today –A unique 2months certificate Course on Leadership for medical/ health Science Teachers- 23rd jan 2019 to 25th march 2019.
- Completion of BLS-HCP/BLS-LAYPERSON/BLS-UPDATE/BLS-MASS AWARNESS WORKSHOP conducted by Life Support Training Syndicate LSTS at NKPSIMS LMH CSL on 23-09-2019.
- Delegate in Regional CNE on the Geriatric Conditions and Disability on 27-09-2019 at sawangi meghe organized by SRMMCON
- Completion of various Open WHO online courses and iGot certificates in lockdown period in the year of 2020.
- Delegate in National conference on the topic next generation Nursing making a Difference organized by sitabai nagundkar college of Nursing for Women, Nagpur
- Actively involved in MUHS exam related work like Jr. Supervisor theory exam & practical exam, Supervisor in muhs practical exam
- Participate various online webinar