Sneha Ramesh Bhalerao
Nursing officer
- Nursing officer
M.Sc nursing in obgy -4 yr teaching experience
Biggest Achievements:
Cleared and Selected in norcet exam and now posted for AIIMS Nagpur as nursing officer (grade II)
Unique things about VSPM:
-college has good campus and learning environment.
-teaching faculties are doing best job for creating their students bright future.
-institute also provide good source of exposure in hospital
-student are provided bed side knowledge by teching staff in hospital environment
-college has good facilitated labs and libraries with enhance student for updation of knowledge
How studing in Vspm help in my profession-
VSPM college of nursing has helped me to form my base of nursing which helped to gain my success.
– Teacher’s played great role as guider, counselor, educator who always tried to turn my weakness into strength.
-they also build leadership quality in me by providing and encouraging to participate in extracurricular activity.