Madhuribai Deshmukh Institute of Nursing Education
LataMangeshkarHospital, Digdoh Hills, Hingna Road, Nagpur-440019
Ph.No. – 07104-665048, 49. Fax No. – 07104-665011
Email – vspmcon2005@yahoo.com, Website : vspmmdine.org
- The settle grievance of the students in shortest possible time
- To lowest possible authority
- To provide various stages so that the aggrieved students drives stratification for of seeing redresssal , if required , even from the highest level of authority
- The purpose of the policy is to provide a mechanism for individual students to raise a grievance arising from their study year
- To achieve consistent treatment in the handing of personal grievance in the workplace and provide a procedure to follow in the event a personal grievance arises
- The policy will also ensure that such grievance are dealt with promptly , fairly and in accordance with other related policies of the organization
- This includes concerns from an student about an action that has been taken and or an in- action ,or contemplated action in relation to them by the head of the department , or from the management
- Limited to students only and are non-gender related grievance
- To enable students to air his/ her grievance
- To clarify the nature of grievance
- To investigate the reason of dissatisfaction
- To obtain where possible a speedy resolution to the problem
- To take appropriate actions and ensure that the promises are kept
- To inform the students his/her right to voice the grievance and take it to next stage of the procedure